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Churches Together

The four Churches in Markfield, who have worked with each other for many years, provide an opportunity to worship God regularly together, for friendship and for pastoral care for all in the community who need it. This is linked to the Church's main objective to bring an awareness of God and the spiritual dimension of life to the whole community. The Churches are open to, and welcome, everyone in the village. On the third Sunday of every month a United Service is held involving the four Churches:

    • Trinity Methodist Church (we have this website and a facebook page)

 • St Michael & All Angels C of E  Click here to go to the Parish Church website 
 • Congregational Church (they have a facebook page)
 • St Wilfrid’s Catholic Community


   Churches Together in Markfield exists to:


 • Bring Christians together in Markfield
 • Provide a united Christian witness to the community
 • Learn from each other's Christian experience
 • Be enabled by each other's gifts
 • Pray and worship together
 • Gain greater strength by acting together for Christ


This is outwardly expressed through united services from time to time during the year, meetings during Lent most years to prepare for Easter, a united service and procession on Palm Sunday. Churches Together also organise support for Christian Aid with a door-to-door collection.



On 15th March 1998, the Church of England, the Congregational Church, the Methodist Church and the Roman Catholic Church committed themselves to one another in signing a covenant to work, study and witness together, wherever possible.

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