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Regular Services
ALL are very welcome at any of our Churches Services whether you are a regular Church attendee or have never stepped foot in a Church, all ages, gender, sexuality and nationality are very welcome.
Sundays 1030
Usually at our Church, HOWEVER we do work closely with the other Church in/linked to the village, and share Services abour once a month, so please check the calendar to confirm. You can also read the newsletter (tab at top) which will tell you more about the Services etc.
Sundays 6PM
Our Church is part of the Leicester West Circuit and usually for the first 3 Sundays in each month one of the Ministers from the circuit will lead a zoom service. Anyone who has a very basic knowledge of computers, internet and an email address will be able to access these Services and are very welcome to do so. You will need to be sent an invite, but if you message via the contact us tab, the link can then be sent to you to be a part of the Service.
Circuit zoom Service
Usually the last Sunday in month - please check calendar for dates
This is a very peaceful and reflective Service based on Taize - please read more for further details
Our church has a loop system for hearing aids.
Seasonal Services
World Day of Prayer
Friday 7th March 2Pm at our Church
This is a Churches together Service with all 4 Church in/connected to the village involved.
All are very welcome as at any of the Services.
Prepared by Christian women from the Cook Islands.
Everyone is warmly invited to join us at this special service and for refreshments afterwards
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