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Charities we support

Action For Children

We support Action for Children through out collecting boxes

All We Can

All We Can is a Methodist relief and development charity

Canine Partners For Life

We collect used stamps to support this worthwhile cause

Christian aid



Christian Aid week is usually around the middle of May.  The Churches all work together to deliver envelopes to as many houses in the village that we can. Please see read more for a link to the Christian Aid website to find out more about the work of the charity

Spectacles for Ghana

We collect spectacles for opticians to take to Ghana in the receptacle in the front porch of the church

Starfish Malawi

Starfish Malawi was founded by Chris Knott in 2003 after his first visit to Malawi. Within a year of this trip Chris had sold his insurance business and committed his life to the land of Malawi. 

World Mission

We have collection boxes in our homes to support this Christian charity.

Website by Joshua Garner 2021

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