NOVEMBER 2021 Renata with the
Another fantastic piano recital "recital team!"
and a wonderful tribute to Malcolm Goldring Kerry, Rosie, Renata, Kate
This was a very special performance, being both the first since
the pandemic began, and since Malcolm Goldring sadly passed away.
It was Malcolm’s concept, drive and connections in the world of music
that brought recitals to our Church and, with Renata being our first
recital back in 2017 when she inaugurated our beautiful new piano and then becoming a good friend to Malcolm and Rebecca, it was very fitting that she played some of Malcolm’s favourite music. The evening was a very wonderful tribute to Malcolm who himself was of course a wonderful musician, conductor and composer. Thankyou Renata Koyicska for a most memorable evening.
Well not the start to the New Year that anyone wanted!!
Unfortunately now we are in tier 4, the decision has been made not to open the Church at this time.
If anyone needs support, help or prayers, please click the contact button on our website or message on FB, and we will do our best to help you. We have a prayer chain and can soon send around confidentially any prayers you need, but if you need to speak to the Minister or any of the team, we can put you in touch, so please do fill out the contact form with a little of how you need assistance or any questions you may have.
​Sundays at 6PM - Zoom Service
Our Church is in the Leicester West Circuit of Methodist Churches and our circuit has a Service each Sunday led by one of the Ministers or team in our Circuit - next Sunday 10th this Service will be led by our own Minister Rev Judith Lincoln.
Anyone who has a very basic knowledge of computers, internet and an email address will be able to access these Services and are very welcome to do so. You will need to be sent an invite, but if you message via the contact us tab on our website, or on FB, the link can then be sent to you to be a part of the Service.
These are strange and difficult times for us all and we as a Church will support folks in whatever way we can within what we are allowed to do, so please don't hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance.
God bless you
April 2021 WE ARE OPEN!
To comply with current government guidelines, the number allowed at services is limited, social-distancing must be practised, a face covering should be worn, and we must refrain from singing. But at least we are back in Church! Please see the Services tab for up to date details
JULY 2021
Our chairs are now back in rows!! We are still very Covid aware with the rows spaced out further, folks as still asked to wear masks for now please, but things are slowly getting back to normal - AND we can sing again!! Which isn't the easiest with a mask on I know - but wonderful to be able to sing again.
Sparklers and Church Club.
For many years there has been either Sunday school or other activities for children. The most recent being sparklers and Church club. We need to move forward and there WILL be something else very exciting to come in the near future, with a joint venture with all of the Churches in/connected to Markfield working together to do some form of children's activities/services.
We thank all those people who have worked tirelessly in running all the children's activities.

We welcome our new Minister Judith Lincoln and her husband Roger to our Church. Judith was already in our circuit, but after a rejig of Churches to make more sense geographically Judith will now be in charge of Markfield, Anstey and Ratby Churches. Please see the ministers welcome on the home page for more info about Judith.
Our Church re-opens this Sunday 6th Sep for private prayer - please see Services for the full info!
JULY 2020
RECITALS, sadly we have had to cancel the Saxophone recital in May and now the Cello recital scheduled for September because of the uncertainties surrounding Covid-19.
However, we are delighted to announce that these events have been re-scheduled for next year.
Here are the events planned to date (still hoping November 2020 will go ahead as planned and obviously we will ne aboding by social distancing rules etc... Each begins at 7.00pm.
Friday 27 November 2020 Renata Konyicska (piano) from Hungary
Friday 5 March 2021 Domonkos Csabay (piano) from Hungary
Friday 7 May 2021 Alistair Parnell (saxophone) from Nottingham
Friday 10 September 2021 John Parson (cello) and Beate Toyka (piano) from Derbyshire
What is it about Markfield and attracting fantastic Hungarian pianists?! Renata’s visit on 27 November will be her 4th; we are used to her amazing abilities and artistry. Domonkos Csabay looks like following in Renata’s shoes: he has made his BBC Radio 3 debut playing Beethoven and is due to release his first CD on Naxos. In May we look forward to Alistair Parnell’s return with his incredibly engaging programme, and in September we will welcome the wonderful cello and piano duo from Derbyshire – John Parsons and Beate Troyka.
We bid a sad goodbye to our Minister Steve Clark and his lovely wife Sue
as they retire and are off to the next phase of their life near Doncaster.
Steve and Sue have been with us since 2012 and have both been
an absolute blessing to us all here in Markfield and at their other
Churches in Glenfield and New Parks. We all wish them all the v
ery best for their retirement (though someone will always find work
for Ministers to do so they never actual get to retire properly!)
BUT we hope that they can now relax, have time together and find their place to Worship without too many commitments!
Although we have no physical Services at the moment due to Covid-19 we do have chats and services on zoom - if anyone would like to join these or need any prayers, please message us via facebook or through our website
Those who are able continue to support the Markfield Neighbourhood scheme so for help with shopping etc... please call Dawn on 07885 243033
Many thanks and all the best again to Steve and Sue

APRIL 2020 -
Our Minister Steve Clark has set up a YouTube channel and pops a daily video on each day. They are really great - some light hardheartedness, musing, thoughts from him and his wife Sue about what their background is, how it affects them both with Steve being a Minister and all sorts!!! I can highly recommend watching. Your best bet is to click the link and go to the video on 13th April as Steve introduces himself to you and gives you info as to how to subscribe if you wish to watch these every day!
Unfortunately due to the current situation all Service, activities and events for now have had to be cancelled. Please see the below advice from the Methodist Church re how you can Worship from home. If anyone reading this is having difficulty and needs some support, please contact us via the contact tab above and we will do our best to support you with whatever is needed. All the best to everyone
For general guidance on the coronavirus pandemic and also for the link to"worship at home sheets" which are fantastic and basically has a service on a sheet with a sermon, prayers, readings and hynms with links to the hymns to play so you can sing along to them - please see
There are also Services which are streamed live or on catch up - please see below times but available any time on catch up too - follow link at the bottom
Wesley’s Chapel in London will continue to live-stream worship, adapted for no physical congregation.
Service times
Wednesday 12:45
Thursday 12:45
Sunday 9:45 and 11:00.
All these services will be available at:
Our superintendent minister has shared the following which is happening on Sundays at 10am and is available for people to listen or join with Prayer, please see - created by one of our Connexional Methodist Ministers if you are interested. Many thanks
APRIL 2020
Will God protect us? Why is this happening? Is the virus God’s judgement? Does sin cause illness? Are these the end times?
Our Minister has shared an article by tearfund which is really really good i think and well worth a read, whether you are Christian or not - it may be questions you have been asking yourself - please click on the read more to go to the page....
Please remember - our community has volunteers who are more than happy to help you, please never be afraid to ask. All the Churches in Markfield are linking in with the neighbourhood scheme, coordinated by the community centre and every street will have a volunteer - if that volunteer becomes ill etc.. then there are others to take over. PLEASE do not struggle. If you have lost the paper with your volunteers name on please contact Dawn who is doing an amazing job - on 07885 243033 who will be able to put you in touch with someone.

November 2019
Another wonderful piano recital! Renata Konyickska wowed us with a wonderful performance. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful evening or beautiful music by Chopin. This performance was fully booked 6 weeks before, our recitals are getting very popular!
May 2019 - We have had a busy couple of months with coffee mornings, an exercise class and various events for our anniversary year. This yea will be 125 years since our Church began! Our latest concert though was one of our now regular recitals. This time we were extremely privileged to welcome Alistiar Parnell who gave us an awesome saxophone recital, excellent evening had by all

Summer 2019 What a busy year, with our 125 years of this Church celebrations. We have had coffee mornings, cake competitions, a flower festival, song of praise and then at the end of August we had a Church weekend away at the beautiful Willersley Castle Hotel in Derbyshire

March 2019
Another fantastic piano recital! Tanya Avchinnikova wowed us with a wonderful performance, she is such a lovely warm person too. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful evening

Nov 2018 - Jan 2019. Well, a busy few months!! We thorough enjoyed another wonderful Piano recital by the lovely and very talented Renata Konyicska in Novemeber, a fab Choir Carol Concert in December along with special services and activities. Last Friday we had the annual Quiz which this year was all about London, a great night was had by all. We have lots and lots of events this year as it is our 125th birthday!! So please see the events page, there is something for everyone!
Remembrance Sunday 11th Nov 2018
Fabulous turn out from the village again, lots of kids from the uniformed services which is great to see. This year was of course extra special as it is 100 years to the day since the Armistice. Here is our very own super model Margaret sporting some fantastic poppy wear including her super umbrella from the British Legion!

Summer 2018
Well what a beautiful summer we have had. We seem to have gone from one extreme to the other with a very hard winter and a gorgeous summer! We have enjoyed many Services and activities including coffee mornings and concerts alongside our normal activities for young and old! We have just celebrated Harvest with a wonderful service led by one of our members daughters Judith Nkounkou who is ordained in the Salvation Army, she had us all dancing up the isles to gift our donations to our chosen charity Starfish Malawi (, who do amazing work for people in one of the poorest countries.
20th May 2018
Happy Pentecost!! what an awesome way to start the day with an 0800 short service followed by yummy hot dogs provided by the lovely Joy Langford from the Congregational Church.
1030 was a Markfield Churches joint Christian aid service led by the Catholic Church
4pm we had a Methodist circuit service which also saw our very own Sandra Andrews admitted as a local preacher, fantastic service followed by yummy cakes - diets definately out of the window today then!!!!

MAY 2018
We are really grateful to everyone who supported the recent coffee morning to raise funds for Lupus UK and to raise awareness of the illness. It was a happy social occasion with much “catching up” over a cuppa. Proceeds of the raffle, sale of toasted teacakes, plants, books and cakes, along with further donations, amounted to £281.50. We think that’s brilliant! Sincere thanks for your support.
Linda & William Walmsley

MARCH 2018
Wow its been a cold one this winter!!! Had more snow and ice this year than I can remember since being a child (long time ago!!). We had to cancel a couple of services and unfortunately the womens World day of Prayers services also had to be cancelled due to the inclement weather - the organisers are hoping to make another date but as I write no date has been confirmed - if it is reorganised I will be putting the details on the services page.
Since I last updated we have had our annual quiz night which as usual was excellent, with a very yummy ploughmans supper too. This year we were full to capacity and everyone had a great time.
Our Mothers day service was lovely, with the Church almost being full - many thanks to Ann Lay who made all the ladies lovely little posies of flowers to take away.
We had another piano recital, this time by Andrei Ivanov who was excellent. We have
more musical recitals planned and indeed have just booked an outstanding
saxophonist for May 2019!!!!! (We like to be organised!!) - Please do see the events
page for details of dates etc.. of the recitals and all the other concerts and events we
have taking place
PALM SUNDAY 25TH MARCH - Well what a wonderful morning! Certainly blessed with a beautiful sunny day. We had a great turn out with around 40 people on the walk (plus lovely Maydew the pony!) over 500 leaflets delivered around the village, chocolate mini eggs distributed and when we got to Church there was also quite a lot of people so when we all joined together the Church was full! Copious amounts of coffee, tea, juice and biscuits were enjoyed by all.
Maydew the Pony is a therapy pony and goes all over the place along with
some of her stable mates. For more details of the wonderful work the
charity do please see or facebook the way of
the horse. Thanks Maydew and your lovely owners
APRIL 2018
Last December the Homelessness Charity in Loughborough, Falcon Support Services, was helped with generous donations from the annual Markfield Churches Together Homelessness Service and villagers. Here is an update on how your kind support is being used.
There is a new drop in centre called Minnies Kitchen, based at the Falcon Centre, 27-31 Pinfold Gate, Loughborough, open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 9.30am – 1.30pm - for those that are homeless, vulnerable or socially isolated in the community. The Drop In works with service users to give the individual a realistic chance to break the cycle of homelessness by:
meeting immediate needs for those in crisis and rough sleeping, including shower facilities, toiletries, use of a washing machine, clothes donations and food through Minnie’s Kitchen;
pro-active action to end rough sleeping by providing an open access service with support available including debt management, housing, benefits, mental health, substance misuse support groups and referrals to specialist services;
providing opportunities to inspire change, including access to education, training, employment, volunteering, as well as providing a programme of meaningful activities.
Minnie’s Kitchen, named so as a legacy to Minnie’s Friends, founded by Carol Phillips in memory of her daughter Minnie, was recognised by Falcon Support Services. Carol was presented with a bouquet of flowers by the Mayor of Charnwood and a plaque unveiled at the Drop In by MP Nicky Morgan.
Falcon Support Services provides 73 supported accommodation bed spaces over 9 properties, and runs community projects - the Drop In, Minnie’s Kitchen and MUTO. To find out more please visit or follow the Charity on Facebook
Well what a busy few weeks we have had!!! With some extremely cold and snowy weather, which although very beautiful was a little trecherous and meant cancelling services on once Sunday. However our other services went very well.
The 1st Sunday in December was our joint service at the Parish Church for the homelessness service - we raised over £200 which along with huge amount of clothing and goods were able to be donated to the Falcon Centre in Loughborough for their homeless hostel and unit.
The Churches and villagers joined together
to sing carols outside the Co-Op and had a
lovely time (and luckily didnt get rained upon!)
We enjoyed our traditional Carol service
led by the choir and Rev Brewer which
was well attended, our Christingle service
which was on Christmas eve morning and
the traditional Christmas Eve Midnight

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 12th November 2017
On a beautiful sunny day, we had a great turn out from the village. All the Churches had their own services at 10am then we joined together with villagers and members of the uniformed organisations including Scouts and Guides for a short service at 1045 followed by 2 minutes' silence

PIANO RECITAL 10th November 2017
Those that attended the wonderful piano recital were absolutely in for a treat to say the least! It was an honour and a privilege to be able to witness such a wonderful performance. Renata Konyicska was absolutely outstanding, performing extremely difficult pieces by Chopin and Lizst.
This was for the inauguration of our wonderful new piano and we delighted to have a sell out performance. We are aiming to have piano recitals twice yearly so keep an eye out on the events page for details! "like" our facebook page, or send a message via the web or facebook with your email address and we will keep you up to date re future recitals.

On September 28th we celebrated Music Café’s 3rd birthday with a party which included games, food and singing. We had a lovely time and in true party spirit there was a lot of noise, a few “disagreements”, some cheating - a fair bit actually - and a lot of laughter. After a “team photo” the cake was cut and distributed to members, most of whom took their piece home because they were already replete with the sandwiches and iced fancies they’d already eaten. It was a most happy couple of hours spent among friends, but that’s what happens whenever we meet – we don’t have to have a party to enjoy fun and fellowship, and chocolate biscuits are a pretty good substitute for birthday cake.

Go Ukelele Crazy concert September 2017
The standing ovation said it all! Yes, everyone at the sell-out concert had a wonderful evening’s entertainment. The return of the Go Ukulele Crazy orchestra had been something to look forward to and no-one was disappointed. We were treated to both familiar and new songs and could either sit back, take it easy and simply listen, or join in with the singing, the actions, or both. Leader and conductor of the orchestra, Joanna Stevenson, was also a witty compere who encouraged audience participation, although it didn’t take a lot of persuasion. She offered a few tips on how to reach the higher notes: “Clench the buttocks and raise your eyebrows”! After a few practice clenches it seemed to work!
It was a pleasure to welcome a group of Australian visitors who were having a night out organised by Leicestershire Friendship Force. In tribute to them the orchestra played some Australian songs and this gave one of the visitors the opportunity to give an accomplished imitation of a kookaburra’s call. We trust that our friends from the antipodes enjoyed their evening with us and that it was one of the more memorable experiences of their trip.
The concert was part of the church’s ongoing fundraising for the Project Malawi Trust and we are delighted that the evening raised the magnificent sum of £638. If you would like to find out more about the charity and how the money is used please visit . Thank you to everyone who supported the evening and went just a little bit “crazy”. Your enthusiasm was greatly appreciated by the orchestra who had as much fun as their audience.

Flower Festival August 2017
We had 23 wonderful displays with the theme "hobbies and pastimes" - we have some extremely creative people in our village! There was yummy food - from breakfast teacakes to ploughman's lunches and of course lots and lots of cakes!! A great time was had by all. Many thanks to the ways and means committee for organising the event and all the volunteers who gave their time during a beautiful sunny bank holiday weekend!
We raised a wonderful amount of £1091.67
The winner of the quiz was Mrs Margaret Davies of Kegworth.
Please click here to see the questions and answers sheet. Please note there are many different answers to the section on "Medicinal plants and flowers". All were checked and all were accepted.

Holiday Club service July 2017
We had a very lively and interesting holiday club service led by Rev Joy Langford from the Congregational Church (AKA Superwoman/man/person!!).
A good number of the children who went to the holiday club earlier in the week attended and showed us some of what they had been doing, learnt all about superheroes - the biggest one of course being God.
Ann Lay, Linda Walmsley and Rosie Woodland provided us with a great sketch with their wonderful acting skills.
It was a great service for young and old with everyone joining in.
Thanks very much to Joy and the wonderful volunteers for yet again leading the children in a fantastic holiday club during the week and service on Sunday.