Church Policy
Encourage "Baptismal Families" to take up a fully the responsibilities and commitments they express in the service of baptism. The support given will include contact before and after the day of baptism. The church expect the family to attend worship for a period prior to the baptism. All policy to be reviewed on a regular basis
Property committee to review and maintain premises ensuring they are used to their best advantage in the community and for the advancement of the work of God.
Church Life
Set appropriate decision making structures within the church to ensure that all members' views are reflected and that all decisions are fully and properly communicated throughout the church family.
Regularly review the church structure to ensure that it meets the needs of the church family and the community.
Encourage members to give sensibly and prayerfully of their time, money and talents.
Provide pastoral care to all members of the church through a system and structure of pastoral ministry which will be continuously reviewed and may include the creation of a Pastoral Carers' Group.
Promote facilities for the church family to meet in fellowship, prayer and bible study throughout the week.
The church is committed to outreach in the community and aims to support those groups already set up in the church who answer a need in the community the church will continuously look for new areas of service and outreach.
Fully participate in the life of the circuit through the sharing of our talents and resources.
Work with other churches and agencies in the village to maximise outreach to all members of the village community with the aim of giving a united witness and receiving a strength which comes from working together as a Christian Community.
Communicate the facilities that we offer both within and outside the church and continuously seek ways for the church to effectively communicate and promote the Church's Vision, Witness and Mission
Law/Best Practice
Work with children and young people "Safe From Harm" Children Act 1989 requires all adults working with young people should undertake an approved child protection course.
Dispensing food - food Safety Act 1990 requires all groups preparing and / or serving food on Church premises should be aware of the need for at least one person involved to hold an appropriate food handling qualification. The church will obtain as a condition of letting its premises and undertaking that uses of the premises will be aware of and comply with this legislation.
Provide facilities for worship that reflect the differing perspectives and needs of the full family of the church:
Sunday morning worship will be flexible and in a format which encourages the use of a common theme across the whole worship and regular provides for participation in a common act of worship by all ages and sections of the congregation.
Sunday evening worship will follow more traditional lines but will allow for exploration of different types of worship, e.g. meditation / contemplation
The church will from time to time give teaching upon the meaning and significance of the Rite of Communion to all age groups.
The church encourages the full participation of all ages in Communion Services having shared in the instruction and meaning of this Sacrament.
The opportunity will be given to all young people within the Church to consider the invitation to share the bread and wine.
The church undertakes to regularly review its Communion policy
The Worship Committee will continuously assess the ways in which the worship formats for fills the needs of the Church Family.